We firmly believe that only via cooperation companies may offer their customers products and services of the highest added value which in turn allows partners further enhance their position in the market by being superior to individual solutions offered by the competitors and setting oneself apart from the rest.
If you intend to purchase and sell quality cleaning products or other specialised chemical-technical products in the meantime being confident of your choice, then Flore Keemia will assist you in understanding the wide offering of chemical products and shall both theoretically and practically show why purchasing enduring qualities is the best way to go. Flore Keemia encourages you not to be tempted to save on the expense of quality, even though most business choose in favour of economy and not spending extra. Thanks to the seemingly cheap products, the funds saved in the actual work shall be spent rather quickly and in long run you will end up paying the same amount while getting inferior quality no quality solution at all.
In an effort to enhance our reach in Latvian, Lithuanian and Scandinavia market, we offer various cooperation formats to business – in sales, wholesale and retail. Our company offer one of the most friendly prices in line with quality. Thanks to a quality execution of each order, creative approach as well as to continuous development of the offering our company is able to fulfil the desires of the most demanding customers. We strive towards a sustainable cooperation in provision our services, the trustworthiness and good faith of our partners taking a paramount importance. Due to the fact that our company does not use intermediaries, our products are available at the lowest possible price.
A key to a successful cooperation involves consultation during cooperation, suggestions on technological solutions and most appropriate products, minimum amount of bureaucracy and reputation obtained by successfully implementing a number of projects.
Our quality offers an unmatched value for money!
Here’s to a long and successful cooperation!
Flore Keemia OÜ

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